The Fossil
"lInicki, once again, probes with psychological depth the psyche of his characters. He visits a domain where dichotomous thinking divides the hemispheres of thought, causing pain that is frequently unbearable. Almost all of his characters 'lead lives of quiet desperation.'"
- See Richard for a signed copy if interested.
"The only gift better than a book is enough time to read it." by Richard Ilnicki. "Your body follows your mind. Where are you taking yours?" by Richard Ilnicki. The two quotes can, to a large extent, sum up my life, except for the unconditional love that has come to me from God, and the love He has let me share with others. "Do unto others as you would have others do unto you." It still thrills me when I see a person reading a hardback or paperback novel; something about those "Good Old Days" still exists in spite of living in an age of artificial intelligence, handheld computers, and robots. However, just because I get a thrill from turning pages, doesn't mean I'd be disappointed if someone bought my book on Kindle. Anyway, as much as I would like to be widely read as an author, I know that my writing requires work on behalf of the reader, and even sometimes requires a dictionary. Alas, I have accepted the fact that I will never make the New York Times Best Seller list, but as long as I am able I will continue to write primarily for myself. Don't get me wrong; when someone reads my work and comments on it, I get an endorphin rush like no other. In conclusion, I recently bought myself and a few friends a mug that says, "They say you can't buy happiness, but you can buy books and that's about the same thing." Thank you for being a reader; I love you.